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Перейти на сторінку:
Europe: Kievan Rus’ in the Medieval World (Cambridge, MA, 2012)

Renate Rolle, The World of the Scythians (London, 1989)

II. Схід зустрічає Захід

Ludmilla Charipova, Latin Books and the Eastern Orthodox Clerical Elite in Kiev, 1632–1780 (Manchester, UK, 2006)

Brian L. Davies, Warfare, State and Society on the Black Sea Steppe, 1500–1700 (London and New York, 2007)

Linda Gordon, Cossack Rebellions: Social Turmoil in the Sixteenth-Century Ukraine (Albany, NY, 1983)

Borys A. Gudziak, Crisis and Reform: The Kyivan Metropolitanate, the Patriarch of Constantinople, and the Genesis of the Union of Brest (Cambridge, MA, 1998)

David A. Frick, Meletij Smotryckyj (Cambridge, MA, 1995)

Iaroslav Isaievych, Voluntary Brotherhood: Confraternities of Laymen in Early Modern Ukraine (Edmonton and Toronto, 2006)

The Kiev Mohyla Academy. Special issue of Harvard Ukrainian Studies, 8, no. 1–2 (June 1984)

Paulina Lewin, Ukrainian Drama and Theater in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (Edmonton, 2008)

Jaroslaw Pelenski, The Contest for the Legacy of Kievan Rus’ (Boulder, CO, and New York, 1998)

Serhii Plokhy, The Cossacks and Religion in Early Modern Ukraine (Oxford, 2001)

Serhii Plokhy, The Origins of the Slavic Nations: Premodern Identities in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus (Cambridge, UK, 2006)

Ihor Ševčenko, Ukraine Between East and West: Essays on Cultural History to the Early Eighteenth Century, 2nd ed. (Edmonton and Toronto, 2009)

Frank E. Sysyn, Between Poland and the Ukraine: The Dilemma of Adam Kysil, 1600–1653 (Cambridge, MA, 1985)

III. Між імперіями

Daniel Beauvois, The Noble, the Serf, and the Revizor: The Polish Nobility Between Tsarist Imperialism and the Ukrainian Masses, 1831–1863 (New York, 1992)

Serhiy Bilenky, Romantic Nationalism in Eastern Europe: Russian, Polish, and Ukrainian Political Imaginations (Stanford, CA, 2012)

Serhiy Bilenky, ed., Fashioning Modern Ukraine: Selected Writings of Mykola Kostomarov, Volodymyr Antonovych, and Mykhailo Drahomanov (Edmonton and Toronto, 2014)

Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak, Feminists Despite Themselves: Women in Ukrainian Community Life, 1894–1939 (Edmonton, 1988)

Alan W. Fisher, The Russian Annexation of the Crimea, 1772–1783 (Cambridge, UK, 1970)

Alison Frank, Oil Empire: Visions of Prosperity in Austrian Galicia (Cambridge, MA, 2005)

Leonard G. Friesen, Rural Revolutions in Southern Ukraine: Peasants, Nobles, and Colonists, 1774–1905 (Cambridge, MA, 2008)

George G. Grabowicz, The Poet as Mythmaker: A Study of Symbolic Meaning in Taras Ševčenko (Cambridge, MA, 1982)

Patricia Herlihy, Odesa: A History, 1794–1914 (Cambridge, MA, 1986)

Faith Hillis, Children of Rus’: Right-Bank Ukraine and the Invention of a Russian Nation (Ithaca, NY, and London, 2013)

John-Paul Himka, Socialism in Galicia: The Emergence of Polish Social Democracy and Ukrainian Radicalism, 1860–1890 (Cambridge, MA, 1983)

John-Paul Himka, Galician Villagers and the Ukrainian National Movement in the Nineteenth Century (New York, 1988)

John-Paul Himka, Religion and Nationality in Western Ukraine: The Greek Catholic Church and the Ruthenian National Movement in Galicia, 1867–1900 (Montreal and Kingston, ON, 1999)

Zenon E. Kohut, Russian Centralism and Ukrainian Autonomy: Imperial Absorption of the Hetmanate, 1760s–1830s (Cambridge, MA, 1988)

Natan M. Meir, Kiev, Jewish Metropolis: A History, 1859–1914 (Bloomington, IN, 2010)

Alexei Miller, The Ukrainian Question: Russian Nationalism in the Nineteenth Century (Budapest and New York, 2003)

Serhii Plokhy, Tsars and Cossacks: A Study in Historiography (Cambridge, MA, 2003)

Serhii Plokhy, The Cossack Myth: History and Nationhood in the Age of Empires (Cambridge, 2012)

Serhii Plokhy, ed., Poltava 1709: The Battle and the Myth (Cambridge, MA, 2013)

Thomas Prymak, Mykola Kostomarov: A Biography (Toronto, 1996)

Ivan L. Rudnytsky, Essays in Modern Ukrainian History (Edmonton, 1987)

David Saunders, The Ukrainian Impact on Russian Culture, 1750–1850 (Edmonton, 1985)

Orest Subtelny, The Mazepists: Ukrainian Separatism in the Early Eighteenth Century (Boulder, CO, and New York, 1981)

Willard Sunderland, Taming the Wild Field: Colonization and Empire on the Russian Steppe (Ithaca, NY, and London, 2004)

Stephen Velychenko, National History as Cultural Process: A Survey of the Interpretations of Ukraine’s Past in Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian Historical Writing from the Earliest Times to 1914 (Edmonton, 1992)

Larry Wolff, The Idea of Galicia: History and Fantasy in Habsburg Political Culture (Stanford, CA, 2010)

Charters Wynn, Workers, Strikes, and Pogroms: The Donbass-Dnepr Bend in Late Imperial Russia, 1870–1905 (Princeton, NJ, 1992)

Andriy Zayarnyuk, Framing the Ukrainian Peasantry in Habsburg Galicia, 1846–1914 (Edmonton, 2013)

Sergei I. Zhuk, Russia’s Lost Reformation: Peasants, Millennialism, and Radical Sects in Southern Russia and Ukraine, 1830–1917 (Washington, DC, Baltimore, and London, 2004)

Steven J. Zipperstein, The Jews of Odessa: A Cultural History, 1794–1881 (Stanford, CA, 1985)

IV. Світові війни

Henry Abramson, A Prayer for the Government: Ukrainians and Jews in Revolutionary Times, 1917–1920 (Cambridge, MA, 1999)

John A. Armstrong, Ukrainian Nationalism, 3rd ed. (Englewood, CO, 1990)

Karel C. Berkholf, Harvest of Despair: Life and Death in Ukraine Under Nazi Rule (Cambridge, MA, 2004)

Bohdan Bociurkiw, The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the Soviet State, 1939–1950 (Edmonton, 1996)

Kate Brown, A Biography of No Place: From Ethnic Borderland to Soviet Heartland (Cambridge, MA, and London, 2004)

Robert Conquest, The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine (New York, 1987)

Theodore H. Friedgut, Yuzovka and Revolution: Life and Work: Politics and Revolution in Russia’s Donbass, 1869–1924, 2 vols. (Princeton, NJ, 1989–1994)

Andrea Graziosi, The Great Soviet Peasant War: Bolsheviks and Peasants, 1917–1933 (Cambridge, MA, 1996)

Jan T Gross, Revolution from Abroad: The Soviet Conquest of Poland’s Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia, exp. ed. (Princeton, NJ, 2002)

Mark von Hagen, War in a European Borderland: Occupations and Occupation Plans in Galicia and Ukraine, 1914–1918 (Seattle, WA, 2007)

Halyna Hryn, ed., Hunger by Design: The Great Ukrainian Famine and Its Soviet Context (Cambridge, MA, 2008)

Bohdan Klid and Alexander J. Motyl, eds., The Holodomor Reader: A Sourcebook on the Famine of 1932–1933 in Ukraine (Edmonton, 2012)

Bohdan Krawchenko, Social Change and National Consciousness in Twentieth-Century Ukraine (London, 1985)

Andrii Krawchuk, Christian Social Ethics in Ukraine: The Legacy of Andrei Sheptytsky (Edmonton, 1997)

Hiroaki Kuromiya, Freedom and Terror in the Donbas: A Ukrainian-Russian Borderland, 1870s–1990s (Cambridge, 1998)

Hiroaki Kuromiya, Conscience on Trial: The Fate of Fourteen Pacifists in Stalins Ukraine, 1952–1953 (Toronto, 2012)

George Liber, Alexander Dovzhenko: A Fife in Soviet Film (London, 2002)

Wendy Lower, Nazi Empire-Building and the Holocaust in Ukraine

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