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FRUS: Yalta, 716.


Malone, “War Aims toward Germany,” 130—31; Восточная Европа в документах российских архивов, 39—40; FRUS: Cairo and Teheran, 510—12, 594, 600—603; FRUS: Yalta, 669.


“Poland’s western frontier,” war cabinet, W. P. (45) 48, January 23, 1945, CAB 66/61, PRO; WM (45) 10th Conclusions, Minute 1, Confidential Annex, (January 26, 1945—12.30 p.m., FO371/47577/2896, 40, PRO; War Cabinet, W. M. (45) 1st Conclusions, Minute 6, Confidential Annex, January 2, 1945—5:30 p.m., Foreign Affairs, FO371/47575/2896, PRO; “general discussion on the Polish situation,” Offices of the War Cabinet, W. 1, CAB 65, WM (45) 74. C 1, January 22, 1945, 33, PRO.


FRUS: Yalta, 510; Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, 7:1167.


FRUS: Yalta, 717, 720; Record of the Political Proceedings of the “Argonaut” Conference, 45; Minutes of War Cabinet Meeting, W. M. (45) 16 C. A.; “Excerpt from Churchill’s Speech to the House of Commons, December 15, 1945,” Poland Ambasada (U.S.) Records, box 7, folder 2: Transfer of population (Western border), Hoover Institution Archives.


Djilas, Conversations with Stalin, 87—97.


Memo by Francis B. Stevens, “Gleanings from Ehrenburg,” January 13, 1945, no. 176/5, January 11—16, 1945, Averall Harriman Papers; “Press. Secretary of State, Washington,” February 13, 1945, no. 177/2, February 13—17, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers; “Interpretative Report on Developments in Soviet Policy,” February 15, 1945, 4, no. 176/8, January 28—31, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers; Andrew Nagorski, The Greatest Battle: Stalin, Hitler and the Desperate Struggle for Moscow That Changed the Course of World War II (New York, 2008), 247.


Beevor, The Fall of Berlin, 106—10, 194—97.


FRUS: Yalta, 717, 720, 777, 787, 792—93, 869—70, 973—74; Крымская конференция, 126—27, 152, 158—60, 250—51.


Eden, The Reckoning, 517.


Churchill, Triumph and Tragedy, 360; Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, 7:1186—87.


Alanbrooke, War Diaries, xi—xxx, 658; Lord Moran, Churchill at War, 276.


FRUS: Yalta, 562—67; Mark Stoler, Allies and Adversaries: The Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Grand Alliance, and U.S. Strategy in World War II (Chapel Hill, NC, 2000), 219—30.


FRUS: Yalta, 562—65; “Present Relations between the United States Military Mission, Moscow and the Soviet Military Authorities,” January 22, 1945, no. 176/7, January 21—27, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers.


FRUS: Yalta, 571; Крымская конференция, 51; John R. Deane, “Negotiating on Military Assistance, 1943—1945,” in Raymond Dennett and Joseph E. Johnson, eds., Negotiating with the Russians (Boston, 1951), 4—8.


Alanbrooke, War Diaries, 656; FRUS: Yalta, 603; To Deane from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, January 18, 1945, no. 176/6, January 17—20, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers.


FRUS: Yalta, 603—5.


Kuter, Airman at Yalta, 145; FRUS: Yalta, 645.


Kuter, Airman at Yalta, 150—51, 153, 169.


Michael Parrish, The Lesser Terror: Soviet State Security, 1939—53 (Westport, CT, 1996), 178—80; Николай Власик, «Он вникал буквально во все» (Из дневников начальника личной охраны Сталина», Наш современник, № 10 (октябрь 2005).


Kuter, Airman at Yalta, 148; Leahy, I Was There, 301; Alanbrooke, War Diaries, 660; Владимир Булатов, Адмирал Кузнецов (Москва, 2006).


John R. Deane, The Strange Alliance The Story of Peer Efforts at Wartime Co-operation with Russia (New York, 1947) 255.


Alanbrooke, War Diaries, 656; FRUS: Yalta, 643—45, 689—90; To Deane from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, January 18, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers.


Stewart Halsey Ross, Strategic Bombing by the United States in World War II: The Myths and the Facts (Jefferson, NC, 2003), 180; Frederick Taylor, Dresden: Tuesday, February 13, 1945 (New York, 2005), 383—84; Air Force Historical Studies Office, Historical Analysis of the February 14—15, 1945, Bombings of Dresden.


Gromyko, Memoirs, 114—16.


Geoffrey Jukes, The Russo-Japanese War 1904—1905 (Oxford, 2002).


СССР и германский вопрос, 142—43.


FRUS: Cairo and Teheran, 554, 617—19; “Interpretative Report on Developments in Soviet Policy Based on the Soviet Press for the Period October 13—December 31, 1944,” January 10, 1945, 7, no. 176/4, January 6—10, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers, СССР и германский вопрос, 347—48; Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman and the Surrender of Japan (Cambridge, 2005), 14—33.


FRUS: Yalta, 378—79.


FRUS: Yalta, 379—83, 385—88; Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, 92; Hasegawa, Racing the Enemy, 34, 313.


Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, 90; FRUS: Yalta, 396.


FRUS: Yalta, 396—400; Hasegawa, Racing the Enemy, 27—33; Cray, General of the Army, 497—98.


FRUS: Yalta, 379—83, 385—88, 564, 567, 593—94, 607—8, 651—55; Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, 92; Kathleen Harriman to Mary, Yalta, February 4—10, 1945, no. 176/9, February 1—5, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers; To Deane from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, January 18, 1945, no. 176/6, January 17—20, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers; Kuter, Airman at Yalta, 156—58.


FRUS: Yalta, 698—99; Кузнецов, Курсом к победе, 450—52.


FRUS: Yalta, 766—71; Крымская конференция, 139—43; Bohlen, Witness to History, 196—97; Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, 238.

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