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FRUS: Yalta, 849, 856—57; Крымская конференция, 181—82.


Moran, Churchill at War, 274—75; FRUS: Yalta, 555; Bohlen, Witness to History, 184—85; Byrnes, Speaking Frankly, 25.


Harriman and Abel, Special Envoy, 402.


FRUS: Yalta, 899—900, 908; Крымская конференция, 214; Bohlen, Witness to History, 185; Moran, Churchill at War, 279—80.


Record of the Political Proceedings of the “Argonaut” Conference, 100; Ambassador Caffery to Harry Hopkins, February 15, 1945, box 337, book 10: Yalta Conference, no. 15, Hopkins Papers, Acting Secretary of State Grew to the President, February 3, 1945, Map Room, Presidential Trips, Crimea Conference, box 21, Argonaut 2, section 1A, Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Bohlen, Witness to History, 184—85.


Ржешевский, Сталин и Черчилль, 499; FRUS: Yalta, 702—4, 707, 807—9; Крымская конференция, 163—64; Record of the Political Proceedings of the “Argonaut” Conference, 64—65; Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, 229—32; Clemens, Yalta, 165—66.


FRUS: Yalta, 874—75, 885; Крымская конференция, 195—96, 198—99; Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, 7:1207; Record of the Political Proceedings of the “Argonaut” Conference, 85—86.


Крымская конференция, 211; Record of the Political Proceedings of the “Argonaut” Conference, 94; Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, 7:1205.


FRUS: Yalta, 901—3; Gromyko, Memoirs, 112—13; Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, 265; Moran, Churchill at War, 280.


FRUS: Yalta, 901—3, 909, 915—16; Крымская конференция, 215—16; Record of the Political Proceedings of the “Argonaut” Conference, 98—99; Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, pp. 264, 265.


Hopkins Papers FDR Library Box 337, Book 10: Yalta Conference, group 24, folder 1, pp. 1—4; Moran, Churchill at War, 280—81.


Крымская конференция, 216; Gromyko, Memoirs, 113.


Record of the Political Proceedings of the “Argonaut” Conference, 94; Molotov Remembers, 60; John Gimbel, Science, Technology, and Reparations: Exploitation and Plunder in Postwar Germany (Stanford, CA, 1990).


Kissinger, Diplomacy, 415.


FRUS: Yalta, 93—100; Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, 88—89.


FRUS: Yalta, 860—62.


FRUS: Yalta, 848—49, 853—57; Крымская конференция, 156—57, 181—82, 186—89; Record of the Political Proceedings of the “Argonaut” Conference, 76—77; Bohlen, Witness to History, 191.


P. J. Stavrakis, Moscow and Greek Communism, 1944—1949 (New York, 1989); David H. Close, ed., The Greek Civil War, 1943—50: Studies of Polarization (London, 1993).


“Mission to Athens,” Time, January 8, 1945; Churchill, Triumph and Tragedy, 286—89; Moran, Churchill at War, 253.


“The Speech,” Time, January 29, 1945; “Prime Minister Churchill’s Address in Commons on Relations among Britain, the US and the USSR,” New York Times, January 18, 1945.


Churchill, Triumph and Tragedy, 293; Earl of Halifax, from Washington to Foreign Office, January 6, 1945, FO371/47575/2896, PRO; “Press. Secretary of State, Washington,” February 13, 1945, no. 177/2, February 13—17, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers.


“Memo by Francis B. Stevens: Gleanings from Ehrenburg,” January 13, 1945, no. 176/5, January 11—16, 1945, Averell Harriman Papers.


FRUS: Yalta, 820—21, 845—46; Крымская конференция, 157, 197, 205—7; Record of the Political Proceedings of the “Argonaut” Conference, 66, 73—74; Walter E. Roberts, Tito, Mihailović, and the Allies, 1941—45 (Durham, NC, 1987), 297—320; Clemens, Yalta, 260—62.


Molotov Remembers, 51; FRUS: Yalta, 848—49, 854, 868, 873, 884, 899—900.


Byrnes, Speaking Frankly, x; FRUS: Yalta, 844; Record of the Political Proceedings of the “Argonaut” Conference, 73.


Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, 7:1166.


Leahy, I Was There, 313; FRUS: Yalta, 844—45; Moran, Churchill at War, 278—79; Eden, The Reckoning, 514.


Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, 236—38; Kuter, Airman at Yalta, 172.


Eden, The Reckoning, 514; FRUS: Yalta, 845.


FRUS: Yalta, 345; Yonah Alexander and Allan Nanes, eds., The United States & Iran: A Documentary History (Frederick, MD, 1980), 77—80; Richard A. Stewart, Sunrise at Abadan: The British and Soviet Invasion of Iran, 1941 (New York, 1988).


FRUS: Cairo and Teheran, 749.


Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, 180—81; Abbas Milani, “Hurley’s Dream: How FDR Almost Brought Democracy to Iran,” Hoover Digest, no. 3 (Summer 2003): 144—52.


Ronald W. Ferrier, The History of the British Petroleum Company (Cambridge, 1982), 252—53; Martin Sicker, The Middle East in the Twentieth Century (Westport, CT, 2001), 156—58; “Interpretative Report on Developments in Soviet Policy Based on the Soviet Press for the Period October 13—December 31, 1944,” 7, January 10, 1945, no. 176/4, January 6—10 1945, Averell Harriman Papers.


FRUS: Yalta, 339.


FRUS: Yalta, 715.


«Из дневника И. М. Майского», у Ржешевский, Сталин и Черчилль, 508; СССР и германский вопрос, 608; Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, 180.


FRUS: Yalta, 333, 345, 500—501; Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, 65—66, 180—81; Eden, The Reckoning, 511.


FRUS: Yalta, 738—40; Ржешевский, Сталин и Черчилль, 494—95.


FRUS: Yalta, 810, 819—20.

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